Wednesday 30 October 2013

Being Married

Brett and I on our wedding day.
Diana Malinowski from Infinite Moments Photography did our engagement and our wedding photos and was absolutely fabulous to work with.  If you are looking for a photographer in Southern Saskatchewan, I highly recommend looking her up.

I think that every newlywed will get the question "So how is married life" more times than they can count, in the months that follow their wedding.  I know that Brett and I sure have!

I'm going to admit, that question totally threw me off at first.  I've been with my husband for three years now, married life is basically the same as engaged or dating life.  But, once I really started to think about the "how's married life" question, I realized that I actually do feel different.  For anyone who isn't interested in the marriage thing, I respect that.  It is your choice and if that is what is working for you and your partner, that's awesome!  But for me, and I am sure lots of other people - marriage is a big deal.  I grew up with the fairy tale ideal of falling in love, getting married and living happily ever after - I wanted (still want) that in my life.  Our wedding day was absolutely my fairy tale "Cinderella" moment.  And the feeling I have after being married to Brett is one of security - and it isn't about the legal piece of paper that says I'm his wife.  As a Christian, making the promise to love and cherish Brett until death do us part in front of God and our friends and family, was a huge moment in my life, and not something to be taken lightly.  So it makes sense that I feel differently about our relationship than before.  My advice to anyone struggling through the stressful wedding planning process is: it will be so worth it when the actual wedding day gets here.  Trust me!  My wedding day is, so far, the best day of my life.  I had a blast and I pledged myself to my very best friend.  So when you start to think that if you have to make one more wedding related decision you might lose it, just take a deep breath and know that it will all be worth it.  For any of you who want the fairy tale love story, but haven't found your prince - keep waiting.  Someday your "prince" will come, he probably won't be riding in on a white horse, but something about him will fit you better than anyone else; and your "Cinderella" moment will be worth waiting for too.

Hope you enjoyed my very first blog post!  I would love to hear your comments and thoughts on marriage - after all I am new at this!  Stay tuned for more from Live, Love and be Married.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you sharing your life, love, marriage, experience Aubrey. All the best to You and Brett...
